
MAF Prayer Pack

A fantastic prayer resource that enables you to share the wider missional needs with your communities, inspiring and equipping them to take their stand and pray. 
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The world we live in is crying out for healing, restoration, redemption and provision.

Across the nations people are experiencing famine, displacement, war, political instability, hunger, sickness, the consequences of natural disasters, hopelessness and fear.

There appears to be much polarisation – both inside and outside the church. Post lockdown, many people are still functioning in survival mode, unable to think beyond their own needs and their experiences of loss and frustration.


To see change, we need to pray

As believers, although we are not immune to the suffering of this broken world, we do have the eternal hope of Jesus Christ, our risen King. The One who was, and is, and is to come (Revelation 4:8).

There is a day that all creation is waiting for – the day that Jesus returns and completes His restoration plan.

Until that day, however, we need to stand in the gap. We serve, we give, and we pray.


Prayer Pack

MAF have created this prayer pack to enable you to share the wider missional need with your communities, inspiring and equipping them to take their stand and pray.

Inside each pack you will find everything you need including a written message, presentation notes, a creative prayer leaflet, country fact sheet with map, children’s and youth resources, recipe card, song suggestions, scripture references and a little of MAF’s history. There is also a link to an incredible short film for you to download and share as part of your presentation. You can request additional copies of some of the resources such as the creative ways to pray pamphlet, country fact sheet and giving leaflet. Some of the resources are also available to download for yourself.

The great thing about this pack is that it can be used at any time over the next two years. You are not restricted to a particular week or day, which should make fitting it into your church calendar much more accessible.


Better together

It’s easy to feel insignificant when confronted by the enormous needs that surround us. That is why we are better together.

When we join with others in this mission to pray, the hope and belief that there is more to life than this grows. And as we collectively look to the One who is able, we too feel encouraged and uplifted.

As ‘we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will be revealed’ (Titus 2:13, NLT), let us stand in the gap together – trusting that, as we pray, God will hear our prayers and answer them.


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