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Despite making enormous progress in reducing poverty right across the country, there are still pockets of great need in Uganda.

Uganda is a refuge of hope for those fleeing conflict . Today MAF is serving the huge refugee camps that have sprung up to host the influx of people coming from neighbouring South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The condition of Uganda’s roads makes overland travel dangerous. MAF flights enable our humanitarian and mission partners to arrive safely at locations where they are assisting victims of violence, providing nutrition, education, and healthcare to children, and delivering training in farming techniques and livelihood support that is lifting households out of poverty for good.

Five dedicated aircraft enable any location inside the country to be reached swiftly and safely within 90 minutes. Shuttle flights provide vital connections with areas of need in the DRC and South Sudan. People in need are helped because they can be reached quickly and safely by an MAF plane.

‘We are able to get an entire team on the plane, making the work we do more effective and productive. We could not have accomplished what we have without MAF.’

Laura Knetzer, Executive Director, Mercy Uganda

Quick Facts
Main Base:
Programme Began:
One Cessna 206
Three Cessna 208Bs
One Cessna 208
13 International
54 National
Did you know?
We served 5,096 passengers across 39 locations in 2022, and work with 359 partner organisations
Partners on the ground
AIM International
Far Reaching Ministries
Jesus Film Ministries
Mercy Uganda
Medical Teams International
Samaritan’s Purse
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Where is Uganda?
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