
MAF Advent Adventure

Day 25

Christmas Day

As the evening drew to a close, the three friends whose hearts and bellies were full, began their goodbyes.
‘What an amazing year it has been for MAF and for all of us. It’s been a privilege to hear your stories, and a joy to share mine!’ said Mike.
‘As we return to our families and open our presents,’ Foxtrot warned, ‘let’s not forget the real reason why we celebrate Christmas.
It’s a time to remember the birth of the Lord Jesus who came to dwell among us on earth, “to seek and to save the lost”.
That lovely phrase comes from Luke 19:10!’ ‘And happy New Year, too!’ added Alpha. ‘It’s a time to look forward to all the incredible things God has lined up for MAF and us in the coming 12 months.’
‘Just think of all the people our planes will help as they take to the skies again, like the hundreds of thousands of people we helped this year,’ grinned Mike.
‘And imagine all the nuts and bolts that will need replacing and all those engines I’ll need to keep in check!
I’m excited to see what we can achieve together,’ Foxtrot nodded. ‘Happy Christmas everyone! Same time next year?’

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