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Some 80% of Kenya’s land is classified as desert or semi-arid, leaving the country’s population dependent on the annual rain cycle and extremely vulnerable to climate change.

Kenya is a melting pot of rich tribal and ethnic cultures which pervade the country’s social and political life and occasionally spills over into violence, as in the aftermath of the 2007 elections.

Kenya’s refugee camps host a large population of people displaced within Kenya due to these conflicts, and are a key destination for refugees fleeing conflict in neighbouring Somalia and South Sudan.

Today, the focus of our lifeline is on serving the people of northern Kenya. Regular shuttles to and around Marsabit enable us to fly missionaries and county governors, as well as deliver letters, packages and the results of blood tests to remote areas.

Frequent flights to Marsabit Children’s Home, House of Hope, and Gethsemane Garden Christian Centre (GGCC) provide staff and resources for orphaned children.

‘I’m working for a small charity called RedTribe here in a remote place in Maasai Land in the Loita Hills, and we are doing community development, responding to the needs of a community through education, health care and income generation. Being placed in a remote location like this it is very important to access major towns like Nairobi and we cannot do that without the services of MAF. By road to get to Nairobi it is more than eight hours at the moment over terrible roads, yet it’s a 35-minute flight with MAF. MAF is enabling us to bring in church groups, medical specialists and engineers to help us to do this development. Without their services it would be impossible to get these specialists in in the time frame that we can work with.’

Hennie Marais, Founder of RedTribe

Quick Facts
Main Base:
Programme Began:
Two Cessna 208Bs
4 International
22 National
Did you know?
We served 1,862 passengers across 51 locations in 2022, and work with 107 partner organisations
Partners on the ground
Anglican Church of Kenya
Food for the Hungry
Garden Christian Centre
Marsabit Children’s Home
Sauti Moja
Transworld Radio
Where is Kenya?
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